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2024 Memberships

For the most avid fan, providing an inner sanctum experience and exclusive access to Strikers players and coaches.


ADULT $130

Membership includes

• Entry to home games
• Access to Strike Force dedicated section at home
games at Red Energy Arena
• Dedicated seats and complimentary first drink
• Strike Force Member Pack – including the choice of a
Strikers official beanie or scarf
• 10% off Strikers Merchandise
• Exclusive access to nominated training sessions (with
1 guest)
• Exclusive and coach updates direct to you
• Chance to win a signed netball at home games
• Chance to win a Strikers training session for your
nominated Community Club
• Exclusive Member News

For the supporters who have a connection with their local netball community and would like to support their VNL team at the same time


ADULT $75 | YOUTH $45 | JUNIOR $35 | FAMILY $195
Youth: 18 and Under | Junior: 13 and Under

Membership includes

• General Admission to Strikers home games
• Members Pack
• 10% off Merchandise
• Chance to win a Strikers training session for your
nominated Community Club
• Chance to win a signed netball at home games
• Chance to win a VIP experience for your nominated
Community Club
• Exclusive Member News

For supporters who may not be able to be as actively involved but still want to support the team and stay connected to the club.


ADULT $45 | YOUTH $35 | JUNIOR $25 | FAMILY $110
Youth: 18 and Under | Junior: 13 and Under

Membership includes

• General Admission to Strikers home games
• Members Pack
• 10% off Merchandise
• Exclusive Member News

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